Akinek van kedve részt venni a zsákbamacska-játékban, hagyjon üzenetet, a határidő legyen... március 25. Az szép kerek szám. Majdnem, mint a 10.000. :o)
My counter is above 10.000 and today I have had more than 200 visitors so far... I think it's time to announce a new game, a new sweepstake. I am busy writing my thesis so in my opinion it's unimaginable to sew something by a certain day that's why the surprise will be a surprise as well.
If you feel like playing in such a strange game... leave a comment in my blog. Deadline: 25 of March.
25... it's a round number like 10.000. :o)
My counter is above 10.000 and today I have had more than 200 visitors so far... I think it's time to announce a new game, a new sweepstake. I am busy writing my thesis so in my opinion it's unimaginable to sew something by a certain day that's why the surprise will be a surprise as well.
If you feel like playing in such a strange game... leave a comment in my blog. Deadline: 25 of March.
25... it's a round number like 10.000. :o)