Március 31. a határidő, de többen vagyunk, akik haladékot kérünk, állítólag 2 hét a maximum, de az aranyat ér jelen esetben. Úgy állok, hogy a zsoltáros szakdogámból 42 oldal van készen, ami önmagában jól hangzik, de... még kegyetlen sokat kell írnom. Ma a konzulensem azt mondta, hogy választékos a stílus, alapos az egész, jók a meglátások- így, ha elérem a 150 oldalt, kiadjuk doktori disszertációnak. :o))
Hogy ne legyen oly fényes a glóriám, elmondom, hogy a másikból 3, azaz három oldal van készen, s mindezek ellenére a konzulensem bízik bennem. Jelzem még egyszer, hogy elvileg március 31. a határidő, gyengébbeknek április közepe. Utóbbi én (is) vagyok.
Today I was staying at the college, it was the next to last consultation. Unbelievable.... The deadline of thesises is 30 of March, of course I'm not be able to finish them. I am in a tight corner but it is possible to ask for getting extension of time. We can get ... 2 weeks (at the most) not to much but I must finish them!
My thesis about the Psalmen consists of 42 pages which seems to be good news. But. It's a very difficult topic and I have a lot of things I should write about.... My consultant said to me I had been highly articulate and I had carried out a painstaking piece of work- if the thesis will be a 150-page-long work, we publish it as Ph.D.thesis. :o)
But my other thesis! :o( I have written 3 (three) pages so far, it is rankling. My other consultant has faith in me but I was ashamed of myself. And the deadline is 31 of march max. the middle of April- for neglectful people. Like me. :o(
Hogy ne legyen oly fényes a glóriám, elmondom, hogy a másikból 3, azaz három oldal van készen, s mindezek ellenére a konzulensem bízik bennem. Jelzem még egyszer, hogy elvileg március 31. a határidő, gyengébbeknek április közepe. Utóbbi én (is) vagyok.
Today I was staying at the college, it was the next to last consultation. Unbelievable.... The deadline of thesises is 30 of March, of course I'm not be able to finish them. I am in a tight corner but it is possible to ask for getting extension of time. We can get ... 2 weeks (at the most) not to much but I must finish them!
My thesis about the Psalmen consists of 42 pages which seems to be good news. But. It's a very difficult topic and I have a lot of things I should write about.... My consultant said to me I had been highly articulate and I had carried out a painstaking piece of work- if the thesis will be a 150-page-long work, we publish it as Ph.D.thesis. :o)
But my other thesis! :o( I have written 3 (three) pages so far, it is rankling. My other consultant has faith in me but I was ashamed of myself. And the deadline is 31 of march max. the middle of April- for neglectful people. Like me. :o(