Yesterday morning I was sewing these pouches and after I had been satisfied I began to sew the bag mentioned below. Besides the straps ... I should have sewed blue leaves instead of the green ones, terrible, really.
Zsuzsinak viszont jelentem, hogy a feladatot teljesítettem, a tőle kapott nem kevés molinót befestettem, Colombus-t újra felfedeztem, újra megszeretettem, élénk színeket adott vissza:
I have got a lot of fabrics from Zsuzsi and now I would like to calm her, the task has done, I have dyed them:

The colours are rich and I may sew these jarring fabrics together:

Holnap nem lesz bejegyzés, kötni megyek, meg színhBázba, de ma még muszáj kipróbálnom az italporos gyapjúfestést. Muszáj.
Tomorrow I am going to knit and (evening) to the theatre so you don't get any post written bí me. But today... today I must try out the wool-dying. I must.