Valószínűleg Anyahajó pakolása is hathatott rám (még az általa ajánlott könyv elolvasása előtt, mi lesz akkor utána), mindenesetre szabadulnék Tildától, na. Van-e valaki, aki akár kedvezményes áron (nagyon kedvezményes), akár barterügyletként (megnéztem, a kereskedelmi szakzsargonban csereügyletet jelent) meg szeretné kaparintani? Lehet egyesével is, de szívesen veszem az azonnali, egyutas szabadulást is. Ez esetben bónuszként jár a hirtelen felindulásból (de azonnali megbánást generáló) Párizsban vásárolt Friendship quilts.
I can imagine your backlash but I have to confess: although I have 2 books written by Tilda I have never sewn anything after her idea. :o( That's why I would like to offer these books for sale ( for reduced price) or I am interested in bartering as well. If somebody wants to have both of them the third book bought by me in Paris can be a bonus.
I can imagine your backlash but I have to confess: although I have 2 books written by Tilda I have never sewn anything after her idea. :o( That's why I would like to offer these books for sale ( for reduced price) or I am interested in bartering as well. If somebody wants to have both of them the third book bought by me in Paris can be a bonus.